Devin Uner - AI/ML Engineer (Strategian)

Fun fact: Devin is actually part robot and despite being a computer engineering student, is a software engineer at heart.

Note: Devin used to be a part of Samaritan Security but left for personal reasons.

Saba Shaarbaf-Toosi - Frontend Softwarer Engineer (Advocate)

Fun fact: Saba is significantly cooler than everyone else on the team, and also plays the violin.

Ann Gould - Backend Software Engineer (Logician)

Fun fact: Ann has a 4.87/5 star rating on Uber

Thomas Paris - Backend Software Engineer (Mediator)

Fun Fact: Fun fact about me, my full name is Thomas Jefferson Paris and my actions inspired Peter and Jane Randolph Jefferson to name their son after me, who later went on to become the 3rd President of the United States of America.

Kate Brune - Frontend Software Engineer ()

Fun Fact:

Ryan Goluch - Backend/ML Engineer (Enabler)

Fun Fact: Where is your picture with Dr. Wintersteen?